Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I love my remote control. Sometimes, I wish that I could apply its functions to real life..(I thought of that before I saw the movie,"Click"). Imagine having the ability to fast forward yourself out of a bad situation.

Oh well, while exploring technorati; how to technorati this blog and technorati your favorite link info and generate a tag,I thought of my love affair with my remote control and again, saw the possibility of the Universal Conversation button and widget.
Imagine a technorati conversation widget that functions to tag conversations at a party, so you can join any group that interests you, or drag somebody over to a discussion of choice. This way we could listen and talk to whom and exactly what we want to talk about. The "c" widget(conversation widget. This functioning gadget would free up so much personal discerning interviewing time that we have to do in course of the natural and ordinary conversations that take place, therefore,the "c" widget could possibly enable us to link to the conversing window of our free expressive selves and join the ideal scintillating conversation of our dreams, however fleeting that may be.
I would carry that miracle widget with me all the time because my dream conversing widget prints all the conversations to me before I go to the party. This way I can bone up on any subject and be the most brilliant conversationalist there.That is, if you love to go to parties (They called Edison nuts too.)



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