Friday, June 13, 2008


I tried to post onto the pbcls wiki, I think I did, but instead, I know that I botched someone's posting."My favorite TV show,"The Honeymooners". I'll apologize here.Sorry.
I thought that I was being creative by adding an image. A large purple flower splashed itself on the page. Then my experimental quotation marks that I thought too was necessary, landed itself haphazzardly onto the accidental,irrelevant flower image and appeared onto the petal of the accidental flower. I attempted to take the flower off that page but couldn't.(no mentor around) Then, while searching for some way to write or send a message or create a tab I think I again botched another page.
I long since stopped bursting into tears of frustration, so instead, went to the refrigerator, found some grapes and wondered if there was a refrigerator wiki community and if would be interesting to read.
I can now truly appreciate the work, effort and cooperation involved in producing a Wikipedia.



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