Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Web 2.0

What does library 2.0 mean to me?
The classification and organization of knowlege via the Dewey Decimal System had been adequate for libraries in the past. It worked and has worked well for library patrons and librarians. If the future service(s) provided to library patrons is to be helpful and inviting, it shouldn't be complicated and require patrons to possess edgy technological knowlege.
There are library users who can use a computer but there are still many patrons who think the mouse is cat's prey. Some people are happy to come into a library, browse a bookcase,select a book and that is the library experience for them. However, the cognoscenti, those patrons with an adequate technological background will benefit and be pleased with the future changes predicted.
Of course, there are cultural and language barriers to tailor and overcome if public libraries truly prepare,accomodate and educate patrons for the up and coming new technology. I would be happy if the patrons could use the electronic catalog.



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