Saturday, June 21, 2008

Google Docs, & StumbleUpon,Pandora (Web 2.0)

Today I wrote a poem in Google Docs; then sent it to other poets to add their poetry:

This is something
Isn't it?
What is something?
well, it's this.
Some thing(s) cannot
be put into words.

Lorrainebow 6/08

Words are something too.
They should not be ignored.
If you use a word like something,
it might be confused as something else,
but it's not.
Being something is sure better than
not being anything.

Mitchell Liebowitz 6/08

Something is not "nothing"
It is an "I don't know what"
An I don't know what it is
It is a "je ne sais quoi"
It is a what, a which and a who
Or even a why
But it is there and you believe in it
because it is a something that is ultra special.

Amusetta 6/2008

I sent the poem that I wrote to other poets who collaborated with me by adding their poem to mine.
I was able to accomplish this by using Google Docs and inviting others to edit my poem..

How can Google Docs be used in a library setting?
Students can possibly collaborate with their research assignments.
Any document that needs comment or multiple input can utilize this tool.
StumbleUpon won second place in the bookmarking awards category.
It is a "surfer!" With this tool, it is possible to serendipitiously
stumble upon all sorts wonderful, interesting things according to your own preference. There are great photographs, essays, politics, etc. that appear on your screen.
When you click on "I like it" (thumbs up) or the other "I don't like it" (thumbs down) Stumble generates more or less. By clicking thumbs up,you can increase the information flow in that particular subject.
It is neat and cool and fun. You can bookmark what you need or want to see again. Another feature is that you can email these sites to friends and share..
Pandora- Won second place in the music awards category: I love Pandora Music. Romantic Piano music is my peaceful,pleasant, background music when I explore StumbleUpon. Try it!
F.Y.I. &
(I made some minor corrections, but didn't go back to Google Docs after I sent this poem et al. to this blog. to correct). They are still in this post. If you see them, and it is bothersome, please let me know through comments & I will change.. Thank you.

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At June 21, 2008 at 11:58 AM , Blogger Coolatta said...

Bravo, Lorrainebow!
You are an inspiration to us all.
Alena :)


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