Thursday, June 26, 2008


I selected videos by entering my term in the search box. Among many homemade and amateurish videos (they were fun to see too), there were were some "gems" that I liked:
Home movies that were converted to the YouTube format. Some of those films were at least forty years old. I viewed videos of Brooklyn and my old neighborhood. It was a delightful and nostalgic experience.
When I searched for poets, I discovered a wide variety of poetry readings. For example: A cowboy poet, who read his poem to grazing horses while music played harmoniously in the background.
I didn't finish viewing the dreary, garbled poetry readings though, (too painful) however, I did find a few Poet Laureates reading their poetry and that was wonderful to listen to and see.

"Can you see any features or components of YouTube that might be useful if placed on the PBCLS web site?"

Yes, I think it could work well for employee training, patron instruction, general communication, etc., if the quality of these broadcasts do not take the "Big Brother is Watching You," direction and be properly and tastefully used for our employees as well as our patrons.
I selected this video as an example to illustrate a training film that is used in libraries: Not especially selecting or rating it one way or the other..
(this film is over 20 minutes long).



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