Monday, June 30, 2008

Audio books and the Digital Collection

I am now listening to an audio of "The Magic Years", a biography of Steve Martin's youthful years that I just downloaded from the audio collection.
I can't listen to this audio book while I walk, which I prefer to do because I don't have an MP3 player. So, instead, I am tied down to my computer. sitting here wishing I could get away from being pinned to this spot.
This biography is told through the memory and eyes of his best friend. Steve Martin is a funny guy and must have been wonderful to have as a comrade. Think of all those laughs they must have had.
When his teacher asked the question " Class, what happened 434 years ago? I shall leave the room now. When I return I would like to have the answer to my question".Steve, in her absence, organized the whole class to sing "Happy Birthday" when she opened the classroom door.
I still like to listen to audio tapes best and miss them,
(very few of them in the library these days and I like them better than compact discs) but that's me...However, since I am forced through technological innovation and planned obsolescence... I will finally have to purchase an MP3 player to download an audio book (Unfortunately, I can't use my IPod to download) .
Makes me wonder what new invention is coming next? My new mantra: "Gotta Keep Up!"



At July 1, 2008 at 9:19 AM , Blogger KStew said...

Good point about being tied to the computer!


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