Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sticky floor

When floors are sticky, use "Sticky floor soap!"

This photograph is an image that was downloaded to my desktop. then uploaded to and published to my blog. The image generator may be found at:


Monday, May 26, 2008

Library blogs

Blogging is a form of communication that may utilized in a library setting in various ways. It can be used to inform librarians as well as for the patron seeking information. Book reviews or DVD movie reviews by either the patron or the librarian would be useful to expand interest and knowledge.
Technical innovations can be blogged and provide staff with educational information.



Searching RSS feed, I found and selected the following:jokes, vocabulary builder,lots of news and new upcoming movies.
Then I was able to place them onto bloglines, now I can have a laugh a day, be informed with current events, improve my vocabulary daily and find out which movie I want to see in the near future..(Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 )will be out this summer.
At first I moaned and groaned about this project, but it was fun to do and will be helpful.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Learning habits


Exploring Flickr: What I learned yesterday

I wondered about mash-ups. "What's that?", I asked myself, I learned that In technology, a mashup is a web application that combines data from more than one source into a single integrated tool; an example is the use of cartographic data from Google Maps to add location information to real-estate data, thereby creating a new and distinct web service that was not originally provided by either source.

I found out that it was 3rd party mixing of technology. What I did was to upload a photo of the bridge at the Morikami Gardens , then I was able to place that photo directly onto a map in Boca Raton,Florida.
Originally uploaded by lenyabow

With my newly learned technological skill, I was able to add this photo of the bridge to my blog as well.
